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Why Intermixx

As former publicists who have worked with professional athletes, entrepreneurs, global brands and small businesses, we know the importance of storytelling and positioning your message to reach your audience. With ten years of experience, we’ve identified a problem that many run into: hundreds of dollars spent on branding, ascetics and logistics, without clarifying your brand identity. At Intermixx, we walk you through the initial process of establishing your personal brand before jumping into marketing yourself within your career or your business. Simply put, you can’t build anything on a broken foundation. Let us help you identify and establish your brand identity.


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Our Approach

It’s simple.

Purpose + Mission = Brand identity

Establishing a clear brand identity is critical to reaching your end goals. Every successful brand was built on what we call at Intermixx, “Fundamental Brand Building Blocks”. In order to fulfill your purpose, we work with you to understand your mission and who you are to align your brand identity. Why is this important? We believe everyone is put on this earth for a purpose. It’s important to properly communicate what makes you unique and sets you apart from others.

Our rates


Consultation: Discovery


If you are an individual looking to brand yourself at your corporate company, a business owner who is frustrated with their lack of direction, or an entrepreneur who has a great idea but doesn't know where to start, this is for you. 

In this consultation we evaluate your brand identity through your story, alignment and intention. We take a look at who it is you are, what it is you want to be known for, how you have gone about that in the past and what you see for yourself and your brands future.

45 mins | $150 | Get started


Consultation: Foundation & Framework


Your personal brand is the strongest tool you have. After discovering your personal brand identity this consultation gives you tools and strategy to further achieve your goals. In this consultation we lay the bricks down for your foundation with you by exploring industry best practices and taking a deep dive into the ways you can create value and impact for your audience and your network so that you can position yourself as top-of-mind in your industry.

60 mins | $250 | Get started


Corporate Workshops


Online or in-person, this session will help take your business brand to the next level. Whether you are looking to help empower your employees to find their personal brand identity and become champions for your company, or learn branding best practices; we have a workshop for that. 

Email us for more information


Online Master Courses



Get started with Intermixx, today.